Thursday, June 18, 2009

Students Learn Math, Shapes, and Culture

Is math an important aspect of culture? If you were to ask 73 year old artist Esther Mahlangu, she would give you a resounding "Yes!"

Mahlangu, an artist from the Ndebele tribe of South Africa, has been teaching students at that country's largest science museum, the Sci-Bono, how ancient geometric artwork is tied to solving complex mathematical problems. The children of Johannesburg still face major life hurdles; even though they now live in a world free of apartheid, South Africa has a staggering 25% unemployment rate and educational opportunities are still limited for poor blacks.

Esther Mahlangu is a world recognized artist, but her primary concern is with passing on local traditions to disadvantaged youth. Her efforts, and the museum's outreach, are aiming to improve lives through meaningful education.

(By the way, the word "bono" in "Sci-Bono" means "vision," no relation to the famous Irish popstar.)

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